Proud. Stubborn. Independent. Devoted. Sound like someone you know? Someone with, say, four legs? If so, you’re one lucky duck since we all want strong fur-pals, and in Middy N’ Me’s case, we’re talking about the crazy pet-baby love we have for Scotties.
Now, if you’re a fan of Middy N’ Me’s Insta feed, you’re well aware Middy N’ Me’s Founder and Designer Kimberly Barratt gets pleasure on the regular from her pups Slipper and Flurry, and judging by the number of pics she and other Scottie fans posts, hers isn’t the only extreme breed love.
(Need a reminder? Here are a few cutie snaps….)

The centuries-long popularity of these long-haired lovelies dates back to when they were called the Aberdeen Terrier (they hail from Aberdeen, Scotland, dontchaknow), and bred to hunt foxes and weasels from deep within their burrows. In more modern times, they’ve become iconic for their mere silhouette—the Spock-like ears! The stout bods! The fact that they’re the only dog that can play Monopoly!—as well as their many famous owners.

“I have loved Scotties ever since I can remember,” says Barratt. “They are so iconic and so dignified…there’s just something about them!”
(Could Barratt’s puppy love also stem from the fact that one of her fave handbag brands, Radley, uses Scotties as its mascot? Check out this cute vid here.)
Barratt’s certainly not the only one to love on this sweet little breed. Here are a few well-known others who have had her exceptional taste in pets.
Great Scotts
- President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Fala
- President George W. Bush’s Barney and Miss Beazley
- Humphrey Bogart’s African Queen and Kane Mutiny
- Shirley Temple’s Corkey
- Joan Crawford’s Puppy Dearest
- Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis’ Hootchie
Err…great minds, Kimberly Barratt. Great minds.
The post And They Call It Scottie Love appeared first on The Middy Edit.